1. The size may have 2-3cm differs due to manual measurement.
2.The same age children may have different weight and height,plaese check the measurement chart carefully before buying.Fat baby should choose a bigger size.
- We accept payment from aliexpress including Boleto, Visa, MasterCard, QIWI, West-ern Union, Maestro debit card, Web Money and bank transfer.
- If you need to change price of order, please contact us before payment.
- All our products come from big manufacturers, they will be tested by our professional QC Team, and the quality is guaranteed. All products have free goods exchange support.
- We will use China or Hong Kong air mail or UPS, DHL, EMS, USPS, TNT to ship worldwide wi-thin 2 working days after we receive the payment. Item(s) will arrive at the consumers ' address about 30 days.
- If you have bought multiple items from us, I'll glad to combine shipping to save you money on shipping cost. Also, we would put a gift in your package as a surprise.
- If the requirements about shipping and payment are inconsistent with the shipping models a-nd payment models which are mentioned above, please send e-mail to us. We hope you will enjoy the shopping and be satisfied with our service.
- Your orders will be shipped by Epacket, depending on which service has a shorter delivery ti-me.
- If customers can`t receive the goods because that he/she provide with an incorrect or inadequate information such as postal address, telephone number or other else, customers should charge additional postage. If customers can`t receive the goods because of our own error, we would send you another goods for free as an apology.
- If you are satisfied on our products, we will be appreciation that you give us a 5 star positive feedback.
- Please contact us before you leave negative or Neutral feedback, we can work together to r-esolve any dispute.
- Your encouragement and support is our continuously forward momentum. We will do our best for your satisfaction.
- If you have any other question, please send email to us. Thank you very much.
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